Have You ever thought about writing a story or creating a fictional podcast

Adam Rothstein
2 min readFeb 3, 2022


The Goalie Kid Main Logo

Hello again my friend,

As you may know, I recently released my newest podcast ‘The Goalie Kid’. I wanted to make a fictional podcast about a recent high school grad trying to figure out life. I am seeing so many teenagers and twenty-somethings get out of high school and not know what they want to do with the rest of their lives. How can they, when they haven’t lived enough of life or learned about a lot of job opportunities or entrepreneurship?

The goal of this podcast is to show people that what works best for you may not be what society expects of you. I also wanted to create this story as podcast because I wanted to have each chapter as its own episode. If I made this as a 12-hour audiobook, I wouldn’t have the reach to get my story to the people I want. Or it would have been ten times harder to find those people. Since I released this as a podcast I don’t charge money, I can put ads on my podcast and with that I can make money from producing something I like to do.

Now I have to ask you this question have you every thought about writing a book or creating a fictional podcast?

If you have, you’ve come to the right place. I can 100% assure you that it’s worth it. With Spreaker you can put pre-roll and post-roll ads on your podcast episodes, connect your PayPal account or other account and make some money writing and narrating the story you want to create.

If you want advice or want help creating a fictional podcast please email me:


Also, please be sure to check out ‘The Goalie Kid’ on all major podcast platforms.

Link to the Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WBzNsAaMzhzgWQdmAa06E?go=1&sp_cid=3415086ce4b6f9d0cb145efa108e40f7&utm_source=embed_player_p&utm_medium=desktop&nd=1



Adam Rothstein
Adam Rothstein

Written by Adam Rothstein

Sports and tech writer. Lover of American sports stadiums.

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